
Hand designed and painted apparel using leather paints, all custom apparel is unique, one of a kind and fit for wearing.



I hand-dyed each piece, to make different colour combinations, used 24k gold leaf, and added a protective coat, before fixing each piece with 18k gold-plated or silver-plated bezels.


Hidden Roots

I’ve always wondered about my history. Growing up in England, but with Indian roots, like many, I was naturally curious about my ancestry. As a teenager, I was pulled to the allure of a dual lifestyle, celebrating both Western and South Asian traditions, like Christmas and Diwali. It was the best of both worlds. As an adult, I’ve questioned a lot lately. The main question stems around who am I? Being told stories, adopting family habits and celebrating both traditions, I now realise I have the power to choose. This collection has given me a way to delve into the past, to understand a part of me, that is embedded in my core. My culture is rich with history, stories and art and I’ve been exploring what these mean to me. I’ve begun to understand why I do certain things, the reason I was taught them, and what I’d like to adopt for my future. Creating this collection has given me so much peace, and I hope it gives you the same.



Connections are a basic human need. Over the last couple of years, the world has been tested, and our closest ties stretched, some beyond repair. We’ve struggled with external relationships, but most importantly, we’ve had to set aside the relationship with ourselves, forgone routines, rituals, and self-care to make space for our survival instincts. The stigma associated with mental health is a subject that is truly personal to me. Mental health impacts everyone, whether it’s a young child going through changes or adults suffering from the strains of everyday life. I’ve witnessed those I love, suffer in silence, and ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to take care of people but never knew how. During these last two years, I’ve toyed with this collection, searching internally and externally to figure out how I can make a difference. I want this collection to remind you that I see all your hurt, hardship, and lost connections, and you’re not alone. We’re all in this together.


Mental Health UK

This collection has been curated to support Mental Health UK, the only UK-wide mental health charity aiming to provide knowledge, support and protection for anyone in need.

A Women's World

Although we now live in a multicultural society, where gender inequality and discrimination no longer go unpunished, the narrative of ethnic women throughout history has often been portrayed as a long, lonely road, full of sacrifice and struggle. This collection brings a fresh take on society’s portrayal of ethnic women. Using ferocious and sharp colour contrasts, I have carefully created this collection to connect you to the other side of women, showing their strength, happiness and power. The idea that we are unhindered, inspiring and capable should be something we focus on daily, as ultimately, these are the tools we need to succeed.


Young Women's Trust

Supporting Young Women's Trust, a charity with a mission to provide economic power to women between 18 and 30.

Animals Adrift

Oil spillages, hunting for sport and fashion experiments are just some of the dangers animals face. Being voiceless and vulnerable, many magnificent creatures around the world are on the brink of existence. They are paying the ultimate price for man's insatiable greed. We often fail to appreciate that even though these atrocities are happening out of sight, the knock-on impacts on food chains and ecosystems will soon come full circle. I created this collection to remind you that action needs to be taken to support these majestic creatures and restore balance and harmony to our shared home.


World Wildlife Fund

Supporting World Wildlife Fund, an international NGO protecting precious species and habitats around the world.

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